Once you have completed the American Business Culture Specialist course and test, you will have proven that you know how Americans think and talk about business, how they work, lead, and expect to be led. In other words, there is no more doubt that you know how to get the results that you or your company want and need in American business because you possess American business skills, cultural adaptation techniques, and high proficiency in American rhetorical tactics and techniques (Verhandlungssicheres-Englisch-USA).
In your training, you will...
- master a highly attractive and marketable job skill.
- become your company’s expert in American Business Culture.
- master the know how needed to solve problems and manage conflicts with Americans.
- learn how to get excellent results, efficiently and quickly, in difficult to master scenarios.
- learn how to achieve reliable agreements with Americans - when others cannot.
- learn how to deliver criticism without making enemies.
- become part of a very small group of people outside of the USA who truly understand the
American Business Code of Conduct, and know the DOs and TABOOs of American
American Business Culture
Keßlerplatz 13 a, Nürnberg, Bavaria 90489, Germany