German-American issues at work are chronic and costly. But they are not personal; they are systemic, and they can be easily and quickly solved. Not only that, but once Germans and Americans have learned how to work together effectively, we are the perfect complement for each other, unbeatable and able to achieve business outcomes that had previously seemed to be out of reach.
German companies are great employers. They offer fantastic job security, excellent skill development programs, very solid benefits, and so much more. Yet far too many American subsidiaries of German companies struggle with the same costly headaches: Issues like low employee satisfaction rates, high personnel churn-rates, frustration at not being heard or feeling appreciated, slow response times, and an apparent unwillingness to align with US customers, staff, or suppliers are commonplace and very harmful.
Common headaches (from an American perspective) that are really systemic cultural issues and VERY EASY TO SOLVE:
American Business Culture
Keßlerplatz 13 a, Nürnberg, Bavaria 90489, Germany